End of Life Resources
Advanced care planning, or "end of life" discussions, can be an uncomfortable topic for physicians to broach with patients. The John A. Hartford Foundation found that 46% of physicians sometimes felt uneasy engaging in these types of conversations. (John A. Hartford Foundation, 2016) We've gathered some resources that might help you to overcome the barriers you face to having these discussions with your own patients.
Books (Available at the Library)
PBS FRONTLINE Documentary, "Being Mortal"
John A. Hartford Foundation, CAMBIA Health Foundation, and the California Health Care Foundation, (2016). Conversation Stopper: What’s Preventing Physicians from Talking With Their Patients About End-of-Life and Advance Care Planning. Available from: http://www.johnahartford.org/images/uploads/resources/ConversationStopper_ACP_poll_Final_Slides.pdf
John A. Hartford Foundation, CAMBIA Health Foundation, and the California Health Care Foundation, (2016). Conversation Stopper: What’s Preventing Physicians from Talking With Their Patients About End-of-Life and Advance Care Planning. Available from: http://www.johnahartford.org/images/uploads/resources/ConversationStopper_ACP_poll_Final_Slides.pdf